NH3 Canada Inc.

Introducing :: The NH3 500 – Standalone Fuel Synthesizer

Our flagship product is a free-standing NH3 production plant, about the size of two refrigerators side-by-side, capable of producing 500 litres/day – 20 litres/hr., or 130 (US) Gal/day – 5.5 Gal./hr.

It is powered by electricity, and we of course have a strong preference for that electricity to be sourced from a  renewable supply, be it wind, solar, or tidal. The only feedstocks (raw materials) are Air +Water.

The Math: 2 litres of Water + 7.5 KWhrs of Electricity = 1 litre of NH3.

Therefore: 2 (US) Gal. of Water +  30 KWhrs of Electricity = 1 (US) Gal. of NH3.

Any calculation is therefore based on the value/cost of electricity, in any given market, and at given time of day. To claim that NH3 costs “x” amount of $ / gal., is essentially misleading. Under ideal conditions, that price may be as low as 5 cents per KW/hr. In the worst case, as much as 10 times that amount. And while all such pricing may be volatile, the amount of electricity required to produce a Litre or (US) Gal. of NH3, is not. It is finite

Currently, our technicians are assembling the first of these machines by hand, and delivering them to a select group of BETA testers, within both gov. and the private sector, via a series of field trials and pilot projects, throughout 2014/15. Full commercial production starts immediately thereafter, with client deliveries commencing by Q2, 2023.

In the interim, we are making our ALPHA Machine #1” available as a demonstration unit, and benchmark test-bed, for purposes of due diligence, and academic and commercial feedback. Please contact our business development office, at your earliest convenience, should you wish to be included.